Thursday 18 October 2018

Whiskey Cake

When I mentioned this cake to my husband, he was quite keen for me to get cracking and make it! Those ladies of the WI come up with some very interesting cakes. In the book I have, it is described as the easiest cake in the world! It is great as a dessert too, served with clotted cream.  The black treacle, honey and whiskey blend so well!

After you put over the whiskey concoction, and cools, it forms a lovely hard sugary crust.

You will need a lined, buttered 9 inch round cake tin. Pre heat your fan oven to 160C

5 oz butter
2 eggs
8 oz SR flour
4 oz soft light brown sugar
2 oz black treacle
2 oz runny honey
1 tablespoon water
2 oz golden syrup

Take a large saucepan and tip in all your ingredients, except the eggs and flour. Over a medium heat stir until everything is dissolved. Allow to cool, then add the beaten eggs. Add the flour and beat well then tip into your prepared cake tin. Bake for about 55-60 mins until set and firm. When ready leave in the tin.

Meanwhile….. ten minutes before the end of baking…

2 oz caster sugar
1 measure of whisky
3 fl oz water

In a small saucepan, boil the above ingredients for 5 minutes.

When the cake comes out of the oven, prick the cake with a fine knitting needle and pour over the whisky sauce. Leave to cool in the tin.

Well I never. How scrumptious. 

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