Thursday 22 May 2014

Old fashioned CIDER CAKE

This old recipe uses a strange method and I have come across it before, while researching old cakes. I have also seen part vinegar used with the bicarb. I may try that in a few months. But this is a cider cake, very economical with a lovely flavour and texture.

4 oz butter, softened
4 oz sugar - I decided to use light muscovado, but our forebears would not have had that.
soft light brown sugar, maybe, or just plain caster
2 beaten eggs
8 oz plain flour
1 teaspoonful bicarbonate of soda
large pinch grated nutmeg
1 cup of cider - I used a medium sweet [use a proper cup measure]

Cream the butter and sugar, then beat in the eggs, then half of the flour, nutmeg and bicarb. Mix well. Pour over the cider while it is frothy and mix once more, then add the rest of the flour. To make the top a little interesting I sprinkled over some demerera. I love the crunch!

I oiled a 8” loose bottomed shallow tin and tipped the mix in. Bake for approx 35 mins in a moderate oven 170 deg C. I turned the oven down for the last 5 mins. Cool on a rack.

I often freeze cakes, mostly because my husband cannot keep up eating them, when I am in a baking mood!  When I took this out of the freezer I drizzled over a little icing, mixed with apple juice. But it is very appley just by itself.

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