Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Pineapple and Sultana Cake

A wonderful boiled cake recipe from my old friend Atty. It is quite similar to one I posted not long after I started this Blog/page in 2013. I like the use of a single fruit type and the spice is optional. So simple, but prepare the first part the night before or in the morning for baking in the afternoon
Make sure your large saucepan is big enough to allow for the frothing when you add the bicarb!

You will need a 8 inch spring form cake tin, greased and lined. Pre heat your fan oven to 150C.

5 oz butter
8 oz golden caster sugar
1 lb sultanas
8 oz drained crushed pineapple from a tin
1 teaspoonful bicarbonate of soda
2 large beaten eggs
9 oz SR flour
1 teaspoonful mixed spice, if you wish

In a large saucepan, place the butter, sugar, fruit and pineapple and bring to the boil, then simmer for ten minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the bicarb. Allow to go cold. Stir in the beaten eggs, flour and spice.

Tip into your prepared tin and bake for about 2 hours, maybe a little less, I turned mine down to 140C after 1 hr and placed a sheet of foil over the top.

Oh my! So moist and utterly delicious. A good keeper, in fact it is best if you can leave it for 2 or 3 days before cutting. 


  1. Just tried this recipe and it is yummylicious. Am looking forward to investigating some of your other intriguing recipes

  2. Love this mix made a tray cake
    11" x7 "cooked in 35 mins drizzled with cinnamon icing and cut into 15 finger slices beautiful for party. Also in muffin pan in cases easy to transporter. Really good I did use brown sugar as like brown sugar in fruit cake, yummy

  3. How to print no print icon
