Friday 8 November 2013


The beautiful beetroot is related to swede and turnips and evolved from a type of seaweed!! So it is most appropriate that we add it here as a common veg. Most think of beetroot as a pickled salad veggie in a jar, so if you have never tasted it, in its natural state then you are in for a surprise. In Victorian times they even used it as a base for sweets and cakes and it was widely used for its medicinal benefits. My friend Atty, who is Dutch, boils then grates them with a little finely chopped onion softened in butter, a teaspoon sugar, a little balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper and serves as an accompaniment to just about anything. But for now we are making a tarte. I do hope you try this simple recipe.

A great veggie main course or a great side with gammon or steak. YUM.

A bought pack [you need half] of Puff Pastry is perfect for this. Of course you can make your own…..

A bunch of fresh beetroot, boiled until almost soft. 45 - 60 mins, according to size.
They are generally sold in mixed sizes so use the larger for the outside and smaller working into the middle. But this does not work with very large beetroots. See photo for the ones I used. My pan was 9 inch in diameter. You need a pan that will happily go into a hot oven. My handle comes off for such a job. Very handy.

In a medium pan, melt 2 oz castor sugar, just tip it in and spread, and wait...
then add a teaspoon salt [sea salt of course]
1½ oz butter
a very generous splash of Balsamic vinegar
Keep stirring for a minute or two until lovely and dark but be careful you do not let it burn.
Add a generous squirt of clear honey.
Take the pan off the heat and place your sliced beetroots on top, making circles going inwards.
Season with sea salt and fresh ground pepper, plus a few mixed dried herbs.
You could also use chilli flakes if you like a little kick. My husband does not and loves this tarte.

Roll out your pastry - unless it is ready rolled!!! Cut to roughly fit and place it over the beetroot, tucking it in round the edges. No need to be picky. Its underneath!
Place in a hot preheated oven, 190 deg C for 30 mins approx. Cool for a few minutes then, being very careful, place a plate over the pastry then flip over quickly. If you can see lots of juices then it may be prudent to Carefully angle the pan and drain it off first, then pour it back over the tarte when it is on the plate. I do this job over the sink.

Delicious and two recipes on one post!!!!!
Note: It was very difficult to take a good photo with my little camera. We were eating the tarte for our evening meal and the light was poor. The glistening veg shimmered with the flash!! Sorry.

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