Saturday, 27 March 2021


German Coffee Cake

A bit of a misnomer here, with this recipe given to me by follower Chris, who has passed several recipes on to me before. Photos sent to me, of two scraps of paper with this delicious recipe written on them, for me to decipher! With added hints from Chris. The recipe was given to Chris by a friend and it came from this friend’s great grandmother, who was a governess in Russia during the Revolution. Of course, the cake is to be eaten with a cup of coffee! And what an unusual method too. A lovely, very rich yeast based cake that needs little kneading, for those who don’t like that! Please see my notes at the bottom.

The quantities are in cups and I do enjoy using this method. Cups are readily available in any cookshop or supermarket, if you don’t have them, they are very handy. They come in a little stack of four - 1, ½, ¼ and ⅓rd.

Dissolve a packet of active dried yeast [or 3 teaspoonfuls] in ¼ cup of warm water for 5 mins. [not quick yeast]

Add ½ cup of whole milk that has been scalded [make sure it does not boil] and cooled to lukewarm. [OR ¼ cup boiling water and ¼ cup of evaporated milk]. Add ¾ cup of plain flour and beat well, then cover and set aside to rise until doubled in size.

Mix together: 

¼ cup butter [close to melting] 

½ cup sugar - I decided to use soft light brown

2 eggs

large pinch salt

Add the above to the risen yeast mixture, along with 1½ cups of plain flour. Mix well, then add ½ cup of assorted chopped nuts eg walnuts, brazils, hazelnuts, ½ cup of assorted glacé fruits and ½ cup of raisins [or golden sultanas]. Knead carefully into the dough. After a light knead place into a large buttered loaf tin and set aside in a warm spot to rise once more. Approx double in size.

Pre heat your fan oven to 160C and bake for about 45 ins.

Notes: The assorted glacé fruits would have consisted of cherries, citrus peels, pineapple etc. Lime would be good if you can get it in a deli, to add to the range of bright colours. I used finely chopped mixed peel this time and walnuts and almonds for the nuts.

The cake is very similar to a rich, dense Panettone. We loved it buttered too and toasted!!!

Well I never, what a surprise this delicious cake was. Thanks Chris. You are a star.

Saturday, 20 March 2021

Raspberry and Hazelnut Delight Roll

Yet another wonderful recipe from an old Farmer’s Weekly collection. I do love them and you can guarantee success. But one thing, for sure, when this recipe was printed about fifty years ago, electric mixers were few and far between. There is no way I would like to make this by hand!

Before starting make sure everything is to hand a ready to go.

You will need a Swiss roll tin, although the recipe suggests using a tray of double greaseproof paper on a baking sheet if none available. No parchment then either. 

Lightly oil the tin and line with parchment, oil that, then lightly dust with some flour and caster, tossing it around and tipping off the excess.

You will need two small mixing bowls. Pre heat your fan oven to 170C

3 large eggs, separated [whites in one bowl, yolks in the other]

3 oz caster sugar

grated rind and juice of half a lemon [or whole from a small lemon]

2 oz SR flour

1 tablespoonful of ground hazelnuts


about 6 fl oz double cream, 

few drops of vanilla extract

a small tablespoonful icing sugar 

about 1oz chopped hazelnuts

8 oz fresh raspberries

Whisk the egg whites to stiff peaks. Add the caster sugar to the bowl with the yolks and whisk until thick and pale, add the lemon zest and juice and continue whisking, then add the ground hazelnuts and flour. Fold in the egg whites and tip into your prepared tin and level off. Bake for about 14-15 mins.

Meanwhile - you will know the routine. Place a damp clean tea towel on your work top, cover with a piece of parchment, then dust that with some caster sugar.

When the roll is ready, invert immediately onto the caster sugar covered sheet, and place little slits in the edges of one end, and roll up, keep the damp tea towel around the roll until cold.

Whip the cream, vanilla and icing sugar lightly - not too stiff, add the raspberries and unroll the roll, cover with the raspberry nutty cream and re roll.

Dust with a little icing sugar and enjoy!!! Sprinkle over a few more nuts if you wish.

A fab cake and so delish. A BIG yum

Sunday, 7 March 2021

Chocolate Mayo Cake.

My thanks goes to follower Jenny, from Saltash, who sent me this recipe. I do enjoy making and passing on recipes from anyone who has a particular family favourite bake they would like to share. I take no credit for this super cake. Jenny told me this recipe was given to her by a friend around 35 years ago. I love sharing great recipes! I can honestly report that this is the simplest and most delicious, moist chocolate cake I have ever made. Go for it!!!

Jenny tells me the cake is best enjoyed wrapped in foil and left for a day and can be eaten as is, or served as a dessert with custard or cream. I took the photo the day after baking.

I used a 9 inch spring form cake tin, lined and pre heat your fan oven to 160C [gas 4]

10 oz self raising flour

8 oz caster sugar

1 level teaspoonful baking powder

7 oz mayonnaise [NOT light]

4 tablespoonfuls good quality cocoa powder

250 mls boiling water

In a jug, place the cocoa and water and mix well. Put aside to cool.

Place all the other ingredients in a large mixing bowl and mix well [or as best as you can].

Add the cooled cocoa and combined until smooth. Tip into your prepared tin and bake for 1¼  hrs. Turn down after 45 mins.

Keep it plain or cut in half and fill with some hazelnut spread or speed with chocolate butter icing and sprinkle over some grated chocolate for yet another chocolate hit. Delicious!!

Note: Jenny tells me Hellman’s is best!! I only had Heinz and it was definitely good!

Thank you so much Jenny.